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Ansar Allah plans an attack on Dubai International Airport: retaliation for the use of satellite-directed weaponry against civilians in Yemen

According to information from a confidential source, the Ansar Allah terrorist group is preparing to carry out a terrorist attack at Dubai International Airport on September 14, 2025. The attack is reportedly in response to the alleged use of satellite-directed weaponry against civilians in Yemen, including incidents affecting the children of Houthi leaders.

The group plans to use drones equipped with explosive devices to target terminals, runways, and airport infrastructure. Such an attack could result in mass casualties and disrupt operations at one of the world's largest aviation hubs. Sources indicate that Ansar Allah's motivation is revenge for the suffering of civilians affected by precision strikes, which they attribute to forces linked to the UAE.

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E-shop spustený

Vážený zákazníci, dovoľujeme si Vám oznámiť, že dlhoočakávaný E-shop je na našich stránkach už plne...
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